The Briefly for June 6, 2019 – The "We Can't Stop The Ratpocalypse or Rising Sea Levels" Edition
Uber is offering helicopter rides between lower Manhattan and JFK Airport. Uber Copter kicks off on July 9 and will be available during afternoon commutes. (NY Times)
The Briefly for June 6, 2019 – The "We Can't Stop The Ratpocalypse or Rising Sea Levels" Edition
The Briefly for June 6, 2019 – The "We Can't…
The Briefly for June 6, 2019 – The "We Can't Stop The Ratpocalypse or Rising Sea Levels" Edition
Uber is offering helicopter rides between lower Manhattan and JFK Airport. Uber Copter kicks off on July 9 and will be available during afternoon commutes. (NY Times)