The Briefly for June 20, 2018 - Curbing Arrests for Smoking Weed, Chelsea Guitars Gets to Stay, Lead Paint on the 7, and More

Watch State Senator Simcha Felder ignore and run away from a mother whose child died by a speeding motorist in 2013. The Every School Speed Camera Act would put speeding cameras near 290 schools throughout the city, which has been proven to reduce speeding by 63% in New York. The bill cleared the state assembly but Felder is one of the people preventing a vote in the senate. Felder is a Democrat that caucuses with the Republicans.
"The NYPD has no interest in arresting people for marijuana offenses when those arrests have no direct impact on public safety." -NYPD Commissioner James O'Neill. The new policy of issuing tickets instead of an arresting will be enforced beginning September 1.
Don't eat the paint chips falling off the elevated 7 train. The MTA will start to remove lead paint from the 7 train's elevated tracks in Queens between 82nd St and 103rd St. The paint used on the elevated tracks and structures is over 50x what is considered safe.
City Hall Park, Mount Pitt, Vauxhall Gardens, and the other must-see spots from NYC's first guidebook in 1807.
25 must-visit historic LGBTQ sites in NYC from Curbed.
Brownsville and its parks failed 10 of the 14 benchmarks from New Yorkers for Parks' Brownsville Open Space Index. Two years ago Mayor de Blasio announced that Betsy Head Park would be receiving a portion of a $30 million investment as one of five "anchor parks" in the city, which means a two year closure of Brownsville's biggest park.
"Underground Heroes: New York Transit In Comics" is the Transit Museum's latest exhibit in Downtown Brooklyn. The exhibit celebrates the subways as depicted in comics and includes Winsor McCay, Will Eisner, Bill Griffith, Roz Chast, Ronald Wimberly and Julia Wertz.
Humanhattan 2050 proposes new infrastructure in Lower Manhattan to safeguard the waterfront for the next hundred years and make the area more accessible and enjoyable at a cost of $335 million.
We're inching closer to the latest closures of subway stations for renovations. 57th Street is hit on July 9th, 28th Street closes on July 16, and 23rd Street on July 23. There are five new stations on the list but don't have dates: 145th Street on the 3, Penn Station 1, 2, 3 (how is that even possible?), 174th-175th Streets D and 167th Street D in the Bronx.
New York Pizza Festival's organizers promise this year's event won't be the "Fyre Festival of Pizza."
Chelsea Guitars was given a stay of execution by the Chelsea Hotel's owners.
How to choose and install an air conditioner in NYC from 6sqft.
Danny Meyer and Union Square Hospitality Group are pushing forward on banning cash at their restaurants. Meyers argue that the benefits of people who can afford credit cards outweighs the impact on customers who can only pay with cash.
Filming Around Town: The Kichen, starring Melissa McCarthy, is at Nostrand Ave and Avenue P Brooklyn and 33rd St and Ave S, The Sun is Also the Star, starring Yara Shahidi, is at W 124th and Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd, and John Wick 3, starring Theodore "Ted" Logan, is at Coffey St and Ferris St in Brooklyn.
Do you know how to do a "Bronx Cheer?"
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