The Briefly for May 28, 2019 – The "Anatomy of an Everything Bagel" Edition
This week's late night subway changes are minimal but hit the 1, 2, 4, 6, and A trains. (Subway Weekender)
In exchange for a weekend of pretty killer weather, we're in for quite a bit of rain this week. (amNY)
An in-depth, detailed analysis of Grand Central Terminal's architecture and design. (Viewing NYC)
The newest NYC restaurants, including a new restaurant in the West Village from the 2019 James Beard award winner for best NYC chef. (amNY)
The "everything" on an everything bagel: poppy, sesame, caraway, garlic, onion, and sea salt. That and the rest of the bagel recipe. (amNY)
The Bushwick Book Club is pretty much everything you'd imagine a Bushwick acid trip dream of a book club might be. (Bushwick Daily)
All 3,000 NYCHA elevators are out of service, on average, at least once each month and the average outage has doubled in length in recent years. The NYCHA has 10 inspectors to cover 3,000 elevators. (The Real Deal)
Rents have increased near 314 subway stations, with the Classon Ave stop on the G, Simpson St on the 25 and Bergen St on the 2/3 coming out on top. (Patch)
Queen Andrea's work on the Bowery Mural Wall started over the weekend. her bright colors and typography work is already coming through. (EV Grieve)
A robbery suspect jumped off the FDR off-ramp to evade police but ended up dying from his injuries. (Gothamist)
Will a boozy Taco Bell ruin Chelsea? So far, there have been no complaints. (amNY)
Mayor de Blasio counts being irritating to President Trump as a positive quality. The president isn't the only person that finds him irritating. (Politico)
Delia's is back, JNCOs are on their way back, Jagged Little Pill is on Broadway, and McMansions haven't died yet. (the Real Deal)
Who is the genius that didn't think to expand the NYC Ferry options for Memorial Day weekend, the first big beach weekend of the year? Whoever it was, they should be fired. (Pix 11)
How pervasive has Airbnb become in the city? This visualization showing growth over the last eleven years should be enlightening. (r/dataisbeautiful / Imap14)
Who wants the mayor to be president? We already know about the amazing 76% of New Yorkers polled that said no. His friends said no. What about the people who gave $5,000 to his political action committee? The New York Times asked 35 of those people and only five said yes. (NY Times)
The 2021 city election is going to be a wild one. Most of the city council, the mayor, all borough presidents, and comptroller will be hitting term-limits, and over 500 candidates are expected to step up in the process. (Gotham Gazette)
In order to avoid looking like tourists, we keep our heads down, focusing on the slow walking people in front of us. Occasionally it pays to look up, or else we'll miss details like the sea-horses above 25 Broadway, part of Steamship Row. (Forgotten New York)
Where to drink when you want to learn about wine. (The Infatuation)
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