The Briefly for June 18, 2019 – The "Please Insert A Floppy Disk to Upgrade the Subways" Edition
The governor is adding 500 law enforcement officers to the subway to fight back against assaults and the MTA's fear of fare evasion. (amNY)
This week in animals stopping the subways: a turkey stopped the N train in Sunset Park. (Brooklyn Paper)
The subway is powered by OS/2, IBM's computer operating system that dates back to the early 90s. (Tedium)
"I think we need a full ban on any helicopters going over Manhattan itself." – Mayor de Blasio. (6sqft)
Staten Island is getting 77 "state-of-the-art" buses. So far the MTA's overhaul in Staten Island has sped up the buses by 12%. Still short of the mayor's 25% goal, but if it works in Staten Island, it has hopes in the rest of the city. (Curbed)
The ‘Renewable Rikers Act’ was introduced in the city council to transform Rikers into a renewable energy center, sponsored by Astoria's Councilmember Costa Constanides and Helen Rosenthal. (Give Me Astoria)
It's the summertime, so it's time to look for some new cocktails. A look across the city's bars at drinks like The Donkey Kong, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Canary, and any other drinks ith great names. (amNY)
The summer mosquito spraying is beginning. (Patch)
Are these sandwiches worth hour-long waits? Through July 13th, you've got your chance at Otto. (Gothamist)
"I think I’m sort of a laid back, cool dude in a loose mood." Governor Andrew "cool dude, loose mood" Cuomo. (@JimmyVielkind)
RIP Gloria Vanderbilt, fashion designer, socialite, and Anderson Cooper's mother. (CNN)
Video: The story of the rise and fall of Anna Delvy, the socialite grifter. (Cheddar)
The Green Light bill, the bill that will provide undocumented immigrants the opportunity to have drivers licenses, is now the Green Light law. (NY Times)
Battery Park is built on a landfill, but in the late 70s and early years of the 80s, Battery Park was a beach. If you've never seen photos of Battery Park before Battery Park, it's a wild sight. (NY Times)
Paul Manafort was scheduled to be moved to Rikers Island, Attorney General Bill Barr's top deputy intervened. He's likely to be held at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in lower Manhattan. (NY Times)
Ten secrets of Queens' Fort Totten Park. (Untapped Cities)
Watch Dominique Ansel make his most popular item: the DKA. (Viewing NYC)
Brooklyn, are you ready for another special election next week? (The Brooklyn Reader)
Albany appears to be working at its hardest as the end of the legislative session is approaching. Legalizing electric bikes and scooters are on the docket. There are some peculiar exceptions in the bill, like no company can rent scooters in Manhattan and scooters would be banned from the Hudson River Greenway, but it's a start. (Streetsblog)
The state's legislative session is ending on Wednesday and lawmakers are described as "frantic" to pass marijuana legalization before their summer break. (NY Times)
Gem Spa on Second Ave and St Marks isn't going anywhere. Despite "Everything Must Go!" signs, the owners have reassured the community that they are "very much open for business" and simply had to clear the sidewalk. (EV Grieve)
The ASPCA is scheduled to open three low-cost vet clinics in the city for people who can't otherwise afford the care their companions may need. (amNY)
The city's animal shelters were supposed to go "no kill" by 2015. So what happened? (Gothamist)
23 LGBT landmarks of the East Village and Noho. (6sqft)
There will be no subway disruptions during World Pride weekend on the 29th and 30th. (Gothamist)
"Avoid walking across the Brooklyn Bridge at sunset" and other tips from the New York Times on how to survive WorldPride weekend as one of the expected four million revelers. (NY Times)
The best restaurants in Chinatown. (The Infatuation)
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