The "A New Emergency" Edition
Eric Adams declares victory, rising noise complaints, the essential workers monument is moving, restoring faith in NYC burritos, and more
Today - Low: 75˚ High: 89˚
Humid throughout the day.

• Eric Adams declared victory in the Democratic mayoral primary. (Samantha Maldonado and Josefa Velasquez for The City)
• Governor Cuomo loves an emergency. He declared a gun violence emergency this week and dedicated almost $139 million towards fighting it. (Ashley Southall for NY Times)
• The city has its own executive order and its own declared emergency for Covid-19 that allowed Mayor de Blasio to suspend the city's procurement rules. Comptroller Scott Stringer, fresh off his mayoral primary loss, is sick of the mayor's shit and is suing to end the mayor's emergency spending powers. (Luis Ferré-Sadurní for NY Times)
• A look at Alvin Bragg, the presumptive winner in the Manhattan District Attorney's race. The New York Post is already mad about his policy ideas, so you know he's already headed in the right direction. (The City)
• All of the city's libraries are reopening this month. (Jen Carlson for Gothamist)
• It's a matter of perspective. Does the rising amount of noise complaints mean that New York City is getting louder or does it mean that New York City is getting more gentrified? (Shane Lee for RentHop)
• Podcast: Gentrifying neighborhoods are more likely to have more noise complaints than low or high-income neighborhoods. (Science Vs.)
• State Republican county chairs voted on who to support for a challenger to Governor Cuomo and who won doesn't matter because literally, no one voted for Andrew Giuliani. More people chose to abstain from the vote than vote for that Frankenstein's monster made from melting clay. (Charles Davis for Insider)
• They're like normal chalkboard signs but people actually want to read them. Vine Wine on Lorimer in Williamsburg has perfected the art of the A-frame. (Jordan Galloway for Brooklyn Based)
• After protests blocked bulldozers, the state agreed to move the monument to essential workers it was planning to build in Battery Park City. Arguments were against the monument in that location and not against the monument. Battery Park's actual park space is already minimal, it would fave required the removal of multiple mature trees, and Governor Cuomo has already installed two other monuments in the park in less than a year. Someone tell me why the monument isn't in Corona or at least Queens, the actual epicenter of the country's outbreak? (Sophia Chang for Gothamist)
• More than 10,600 subway trips were canceled in June because the MTA was short-staffed. The A train lost 950 trips and the 1 lost 850. The staffing shortage in the MTA is beginning to hit buses as well. It takes 3-8 months to train someone to operate a subway car, so we're looking at an extended issue that could last into 2022. (Jose Martinez for The City)
• Le Poisson Rouge is reopening in August and announced a slate of shows through the end of the year. (Amanda Hatfield for BrooklynVegan)
• Two things to note. Did you know that NYC has its own Liberty Bell? Now you know that and you also know that it was moved from the Middle Collegiate Church in the East Village to the New-York Historical Society after the fire at the church a few weeks ago. (EV Grieve)
• The long-standing Pizza Wars of Forest Hills has a new entrant in Austin Street Pizza, which may alter the pizza landscape of the neighborhood. (Edge of the City)
• Photo Album: A look inside the new R-211 subway cars as they arrive for testing. (Marc A. Hermann for MTA on Flickr)
• The city is ending its program that housed homeless New Yorkers in hotels instead of shelters with some refusing to leave, citing the Delta variant and a 14% non-vaccination rate amongst homeless New Yorkers as their reason for congregate shelters being unsafe. (Valeria Ricciulli for Curbed)
• The Giglio Feast is returning to Williamsburg this month. (Duncan Freeman for Brooklyn Magazine)
• The state Assembly wants to know how did ranked-choice voting go for you? (David Cruz for Gothamist)
• The headline is 11 restaurants that might just restore your faith in NYC burritos but I want to know who these faithless people are? (Luke Fortney for Eater)
• The Mets are putting a one-night stay in City Field on Airbnb on July 8. The one-night stay is first come, first served, so get your website reload buttons ready. (Shaye Weaver for Time Out)
• The California woman who falsely accused a Black teenager of stealing her phone in a SoHo hotel last year was indicted on hate crime charges by a Manhattan grand jury. (Jake Offenhartz for Gothamist)
• 13 new public art installations for July. (Irene Madrigal for Untapped New York)
• Morgenstern's is now serving "ice cream burgers," which sounds justifiably disgusting but is actually ice cream on a burger bun. (Melissa Kravitz Hoeffner for Time Out)
• Bumble is opening its own cafe and wine bar this summer. Now you know where to go to watch some awkward first dates. (Rachel Sugar for Grub Street)
• The best restaurants in the East Village. (Hannah Albertine for The Infatuation)
Featured Pet: Enzo!
Thanks to Hilary and Niko for sharing this photo of Enzo, who appears to be extremely chill, with us all. Send in your pet photos (you, yes you) to to see them featured here!